My Favorite Resources

Below are resources that I currently use or have used in the past. I have found strong value in each of these. No one has paid me anything to publicly endorse them.


He’s had an extraordinary impact on my life.  No one teaches leadership better than John Maxwell. I have read the majority of his books.  He’s incredible.

Our firm has used their leadership development program in the past and would again. My digital agency does as well.

How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations – Barry Z. Posner and James M. Kouzes. Incredible book on leadership. It’s long but worth reading every few years.

Personal Growth

Everything that I know that is good comes from my daily Bible reading. It’s my manual for how to live my life.
I am in my third year of this program. It’s about becoming a high performer.
This is a must-read. I’ve read it four times and counting.
All-time classic. I first read this book as a boy and have returned to it dozens of times.
For the past decade, I have listened to between 45 and 55 books a year. This is a special tool.


 I am a member of his networking group. Lee is brilliant.

Law firm coaching/mastermind program.

I read everything he puts out. Terrific thinker and legal futurist.


This is Dennis Yu’s company. He is a master and an amazing human. I consume so much of his stuff.

I have been feasting on Perry’s stuff continuously since 2005. He’s legit. Great content.

I read everything he puts out on his blog, One Useful Thing. I follow him on LinkedIn and X. He’s one of the top AI thinkers today.

A foundational book for how I live my life and run my businesses.

An awesome general business resource. Girdley is entertaining and very smart. Great content. I get many ideas from him.

Podcasts I regularly listen to

I listen to this everyday. It keeps me current on the fast-moving world of AI.
I have learned so much from this podcast about leadership. He always has a fresh take.

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