He’s had an extraordinary impact on my life. No one teaches leadership better than John Maxwell. I have read the majority of his books. He’s incredible.
How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations – Barry Z. Posner and James M. Kouzes. Incredible book on leadership. It’s long but worth reading every few years.
I am a member of his networking group. Lee is brilliant.
I read everything he puts out. Terrific thinker and legal futurist.
I have been feasting on Perry’s stuff continuously since 2005. He’s legit. Great content.
I read everything he puts out on his blog, One Useful Thing. I follow him on LinkedIn and X. He’s one of the top AI thinkers today.
A foundational book for how I live my life and run my businesses.
The stuff they don’t teach in law school. Learn world-class law firm leadership, growth strategies, operational principles, and marketing models from my 10 years building one of the largest family law firms in the US.
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The stuff they don’t teach in law school. Learn world-class law firm leadership, growth strategies, operational principles, and marketing models from my 10 years building one of the largest family law firms in the US.
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