Hi! I'm

Jeff Hughes

CEO/Co-founder of Sterling Lawyers

I share how we have grown our beautiful family law firm from 0 to 25+ attorneys over the past 10 years. My purpose is to empower other family law attorneys in their practice-building journeys.

Build a Beautiful
Family Law Firm

The stuff they don’t teach in law school. Learn world-class law firm leadership, growth strategies, operational principles, and marketing models from my 10 years building one of the largest family law firms in the US.

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What Other Lawyers Are Saying About Jeff

Thomas Hartin
Thomas HartinFounder & Attorney at HFL | Hartin Family Law, LLC
Jeff Hughes is both brilliant and incredibly kind. I am in the process of building my own family law firm and have been consulting with him for over six months now. Jeff and his team at Sterling Lawyers have collected an enormous amount of data that enables them to handle family law cases, from simple to complex, on a flat fee basis. As you can tell from their numerous reviews, clients of Sterling Lawyers are thrilled with this fee arrangement. The legal profession, and in particular, the family law legal profession, would be a much better place if everyone were as generous with their information and time as Jeff.
Jonathan Breeden
Jonathan BreedenLawyer at Breeden Law Office
I have found the information Jeff Hughes shares to be extremely helpful as I continue to work to grow my business. It seems like every mistake I have made, he has also made and I learn a lot from listening to how he methodically solves the problems his firm is facing. In all my time knowing Jeff and his very real sharing of what he has done to grow his firm, I have not heard of a problem that he had that I have not had. Family law firms regardless of size face the same challenges every day and he is trying to help everyone excel.
James Joseph
James JosephManaging Partnerat Joseph Law Group, P.C.
I am truly grateful to Jeff and his team for their incredible generosity, sharing with the family law community their impressive journey, their wins, their losses, and the lessons derived therefrom. Their commitment to, and success with, growth, while maintaining high standards in client representation is amazing. During my 30 years of practice as a NY-based matrimonial attorney, (during which I built a significantly smaller family law firm solely based on reputation and referrals), I have worked extensively with professional coaches on the business of law, and have coached other lawyers. The success of the Sterling Law Group is unmatched and we all can benefit from their insights.


Podcast is about sharing how my team and I have grown our family law firm, Sterling Lawyers, from zero to 25+ lawyers and $15m a year in revenue since 2014. My purpose is to document what’s working and not working so you can re-contextualize to your practice and shorten your success curve.

Follow me and subscribe to “The J. Sterling Hughes Show” Podcast.


Check out all of my essays here.

Train Your Lawyers and Build Culture at the Same Time

My Milwaukee team stumbled on a simple, almost magical tool that builds community and trains attorneys to be excellent lawyers

Strategies for Dealing with Criticism as the Lawyer Leader

Leaders are the most criticized people in their organizations, especially the top leader. It comes with the territory. If you

6 Lawyer Leader Paradoxes That I Painfully Learned

Keith Potter beat the crap out of me in eighth grade. The rest of junior high is a blur for


Check out my YouTube channel @JSterlingHughes for tons of practice-building videos.

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Build a Beautiful
Family Law Firm

The stuff they don’t teach in law school. Learn world-class law firm leadership, growth strategies, operational principles, and marketing models from my 10 years building one of the largest family law firms in the US.

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